Fake Tears

In the frenzy of departure

the luggage , the ticket, the passport

The flight number, the gate number

The rushed drive to the airport.


The final overhead announcement

Call for boarding the airplane

A sinking, drowning  sentiment

In my young six year old brain


In the chaos of goodbyes

I saw her beautiful and tall

She finally turned around to me

after saying goodbyes to all


Would have been infinitely better

had she ignored me

casually, with indifference

had she left nonchalantly.


But alas ………..


She decided to cry fake tears

distorting her face usually proud

sobbing a little too loud

lame acting to convince the crowd


I knew her well, through and through

her abuses, her taunts, her dark fears

But that display of fake tears

clung to me for years and years


Today, I have forgiven her

Maybe she was overwhelmed

Maybe her guilt made her numb

I actually pity she felt ashamed


But those fake tears washed me clean

stripped me of all illusions and dreams

Knocked me in front of God supreme

Darker the night, brighter the stars gleam.


